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Mathieu Couttenier

Professor & Head of CERGIC


Research areas: Political Economy ; Economic Development ; Civil Conflicts ; Natural Resources ; Media

Mathieu Couttenier is a current professor of Economics at the Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon and Research Fellow to the CEPR (International Trade and Regional Economics Program and Political Economy Program). He is also head of the Center for Economic Research on Governance, Inequality and Conflict (CERGIC).


He earned his PhD in Economics from the University Paris 1 Sorbonne in 2011. Prior to joining the University of Lyon and Ecole Normale Superieur in September 2018, he served as an Assistant Professor at the University of Geneva and a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Lausanne. He has also been a visiting researcher at Stanford, Sciences Po Paris, and the University of Bologna.

His research is interdisciplinary, spanning economics, political science, culture, institutions, and geography. His research focuses on microeconomic questions, particularly in applied political economy and economic development. His main research interests are in the understanding of the determinants and consequences of conflict. He has published many academic papers on the role played by income shocks, natural resources or climate on the diffusion of conflicts over space and time. Another aspect of his research focuses on the role of natural resources in shaping local economic development.


In September 2023, he will begin studying the socio-economic impact of artisanal and small-scale mines in Africa thanks to the support of an ERC Consolidator grant. He has published in many leading peer-refereed journals, such as the American Economic Review, Journal of the European Economic Association, Economic Journal, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Development Economics, the Journal of Comparative Economics and PlosOne.

To learn more about Mathieu Couttenier, consult his website


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